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Old 08-16-2012, 09:18 PM
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Re: Official RUU for HTC Rezound.

Changelog finally released as well: Btw the rumor is this may not be the final release.

Issues Resolved

1.Let’s Golf 2 v1.2.1
2.Skype video call – color incorrect
4.Mobile Hotspot shows incorrect number of devices
5.Time displayed after powering off and then right back on
6.BUA+ read requests
7.BUA+ not displaying in Landscape mode
8.Data stall
9.Mobile IM removed
10.Guided tour video can now be found in “Basic Set-up and Usage Videos”
11.Location settings pop-up removed
12.Data widget updated
13.IPv6 default set to “Enabled”
14.VMM version updated to 0.37
15.Static IP
16.VVM notification in “all Messages” tab after deleting
17.VCAST Music – removed MP3 purchase references

Last edited by Riley; 08-17-2012 at 01:54 PM.
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