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Old 08-15-2012, 07:48 PM
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Re: Sprint Motorola Photon Q ?????

@gTen the LG with specs like that is crazy and the sgs3 is also tempting cause of all the specs it comes with and how nice it looks and i was gonna be one first ones to pre order it but the lack of keyboard its just hard when i have to write long emails/text and when i want to do some work on it the onscreen keyboard takes up to much screen space also i talked to a buddy of mine and he says the signal is not the great on it (which some said it was fixed)

all the glitz and glamour on a smartphone with crazy specs are useless if it doesnt work 100% of the time for its main function which is making/receiving calls instead of them going to voicemail even though your phone never rang

i had og epic (sgs1)/epic touch (sgs2) and wanted to get the sgs3 but oh well..

Does motorola smartphones come with apps to access office word/excel?
video editor/ picture editor?
IF I helped feel free to hit the thanks button

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