Originally Posted by gullzway
As an Android fan with that has owned a Moment, Epic, now Epic Touch, I'm quite impressed with the HTC Arrive I just bought for my wife. It's fast, simple, and does just about everything my GS2 does. The only drawbacks I see so far are the smaller screen and lack of Flash Video. The lacking flash video would keep it from being my primary phone as I use it to watch live sports,UFC events, and stream TV shows and movies from certain websites.
Great post, just would like to clarify a couple things here.
1) there is a flash video app for WP that you could try, it might help on some of the sites you frequent, it's pretty much a browser that tries to extract the .flv files from the sites and then play them in it's video player.
2) Adobe has discontinued flash for mobile so now even the newer android phones (GS3, one series) don't have it unless a custom rom is installed I guess.