Recently I had a customer bring in my very first HTC Arrive for a screen replacement I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but I couldn't find any good pictures of the front panel dis-assembly anywhere, so I used bri3d's
Replacing screen. - xda-developers step by step, and took pictures along the way, in case anyone's interested.
The only thing I really did differently is I didn't use a heat gun or anything to loosen the adhesive. IT'S NOT GLUE! It's just the black double stick pressure adhesive HTC uses for most of there phones. I used a guitar pick, and it cuts the 2 layers of the tape in half. A little cleanup and you're ready for fresh adhesive.
I found a place online that sells the pre-cut adhesive sheet. I can't remember where I got it though. Getting the dirt from between the LCD and Digitizer glass is hard, and the placement isn't just a 'drop it on' thing. Make sure your placement is accurate, or you've just ruined your adhesive! LOL
I hope this helps, at least somebody to not pull their hair out like I almost did!