Re: LTE Keyboard phone to replace Epic
I was about to load cm9 today, but then I found out the microphone from the headphone jack they replaced friday doesn't work. So I have to bring it back tomorrow. If they can get it working, I will load AOKP tomorrow I guess. I hope it picks roam more than cm9 did.
Nothing in the almost 2 years that I've had the Epic has really ever done anything to help with the terrible battery life. Well, there are only 2 tricks that have made the battery last at all
1) turn the phone to airplane mode and don't touch it
2) turn the phone off
There is a 3rd trick, but that involves leaving it plugged in 24-7 to a charger.
I must say that there has been one singular battery change in the past 4 months that is awesome. I do a radio show monday nights. I get out of my car at 6pm and am in a huge cement building from 6pm to 1am. The phone used to die at around 10:30pm. Now, at 1am, I still haven't gotten the battery warning message. Last week, I didn't even charge it from 5pm (when I took it off the charger at work) and 6pm (when I got to the station) and it still had 20$-ish when I left the station.