This thread contains all of the changes I made to my phone regarding firmware, OS, any of that stuff. I saw no mention of radio specifically, but I'm not sure what that includes regardless. And no surprise, you helped me the most in it lol.
Looking at those numbers, the only concerning thing to me is the EB13 Baseband with the EC05 build.
I also think the way I went about the update the first time was I Odined to stock, D18, OTA updated to EC05, then redid everything. With this phone I Odined to stock D18 but didn't OTA, I simply redid it through my Clockwork Mod backup. Could that be the problem? Literally the only problem I'm facing is with bluetooth right now.
Also, to see if the device itself is just faulty in the bluetooth realm, I plan on blowing it up and returning it to stock (still rooted) and see if it persists.