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Old 06-30-2012, 04:01 PM
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Re: Is T-Mobile and AT&T better than Sprint Service?

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
Most important thing is to check their coverage maps, make sure to zoom in on you're neighborhood, or work area. They can be good. Not so much in my area, my brother switched to Tmobile this year, and while he's saving maybe $10/month, he's stuck with slow 2g 85% of the time. Research is the key!
That is KEY do reseach of who has the best coverage. Sprint sucks in my area, TMO is as good as AT&T. Till you live with service day to day, you'll never know EXACTLY how their service is (just cause they show coverage does not mean they dont have dead spots)...

I guess I like the idea that TMO uses a WI-FI network for a lack of signal. Verizon requres a $200-250 network extender.

You can give Verizon crap and get it for 1/2 that price but, it still is money out of your pocket. You need a internet connection for it, so I am paying monthly for Verizon service AND I am paying for min that I use over the internet connection that I pay for.

As I think about it that way, I feel screwed.
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If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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