Originally Posted by eric12341
7.8 hasn't really been fully detailed yet, it is still possible that it'll receive all the non hardware dependent features that are in WP8. Either way though I was planning to get a WP8 anyway so this news doesn't affect me, just tired of all the complaints and "I'm going iPhone or Droid" comments.
It's been publicly stated that 7.8 will only offer the GUI changes, nothing in the subsystem. Watch the show, the 2 and 1/2 hour show, they clearly say, that the only features 7.5 users will get is the new start menu.
Same here for grabbing a WP8 device, depending on what Verizon carries. I got my Trophy with out a contract so I still have my New Every 2 credit sitting with Verizon ($100 of a new phone).
Did you watch the whole thing today ? I was pretty blown away.
No question, I will be buying one. I picked up WP7 knowing that they will have to do a major upgrade to this to complete with other products out there. I love my WP7 device and after owning it for a while, they made it a ton better (mango) and still planning a big upgrade.
The only people who should be bitching is the people who just signed a 2 year for a device.
I just hope Verizon gets a few models to chose from...