Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
Wait a minute, did they compare the INTERNATIONAL SGS3 against the Sprint HOX variant? You know what SoC the Sprint S3 has? The exact same one as the Evo LTE. If they compare a quad core exynos against a snapdragon S4 krait, guess what, we already knew the exynos was way better. Who cares? None of the US SGS3 are getting Exynos. It's all Snapdragon S4. The HOX and SGS3 USA variants are basically identical other than removable battery and removable storage, and the SGS3 is getting 2GB RAM (a gimmick to make up for downgrading the processor if you ask me). I actually like SLCD2 over SAMOLED HD.
I'm going international SGS3 all the way. That and the Meizu MX (quad core) both have that awesome exynos processor that flies like a boss.