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Old 05-24-2012, 07:17 PM
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Question Re: [ROM][EI22][ERA] Legendary ROM Update to RC 2.1 | NoCIQ - 12/2

Hi there I have been having this issue for quit sometime but never complained or posted anything about it. But what up with. This 4G thing? It seems like it never works.. I had tryed several roms and the same thing comes up. It keeps asking me for some sprint pass or some or some crap like hat Iam only asking that's all. Since I always thought that 4G was fully cracked/hacked or what ever may be the case. Iam the only one having this issue? It is 4G really cracked or is that just a mith? well mine shows full signal of coarse in some areas. but it seems when i open up a web browser iget some sprint website asking for PASS something. not password its just says sprint pass i dont remeber the rest or keeps asking me to loggn if if iam an existinng costumer. or what ever. i dont have sprint , i have boost mobile wich its the same thing under a different name. or i should say a prepiad from sprint. and 2 years ago i hear that 4g was working on boost but it seeems its not working for me.. it just takes me to a sprint website and if i try typing another website its just keeps taking me to the same website..
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