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Old 05-23-2012, 09:14 AM
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Re: [SMS INCREASE] REMOVE the 160+ SMS Limit on WP7 for HTC Arrive GOLD_C

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
I've had the rom freeze on me a couple of times when answering an incoming call pretty much immediately.

The rom has soft reset the phone a couple of times also. Don't know what caused it either. Seems like isolated incidents.

I did do the regedits on the phone to say this was a Nokia Lumia 800 so I could download Nokia Drive.

If there are any other issues I didn't notice them or they weren't serious enough to care about. I'll keep an eye out. I did have a little trouble with the Office Hub with SkyDrive but that seemed to work itself out.
Sorry to hear you had so many problems... I have had a different experience as I have never experienced any of those bugs... Try to wipe or fresh install again because something seems to be off with your installation...

In other news, if you guys dont want to be changing things on your phone to have access to Nokia/Samsung/blah blah blah... download the wAppStore xap from my post here:
There are also two other marketplaces there Bazaar is mainly Homebrew, Deepshinning is both Homebrew and Selected Apps. However, wAppStore seems to give you more options for OEM or Category of app that you are looking for...

Hope this helps.

PS. dtrush: im still looking into the music stopping when opening the kb... im slowly loosing hope... jejeje
teaMJPx/mapaz04 - WP7 & Android - Hit "THANKS" if i've been able to help you
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