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Old 05-13-2012, 03:50 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/9/12*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
The file I instructed to rename to was the 2.17 firmware file, which is flashed in bootloader.....that was not a ROM.

What ROM & firmware version do u currently have?

sorry but I didn't mean you needed to have your sd card formatted.....because you don't, I only meant the only time I have seen your symptom was apps2sd related.

I see your issue.....

Here is how I flashed. I just simply downloaded the new rom as a zip directly on the phone.
-Reboot to recovery
-select install from zip and pick the rom
-once install done I hit wipeall factory data reset
-then I wipe dalvk cache
-and then I reboot

you never wipe after flashing a ROM, always before! since u hit wipeall factory data reset, it erased the data partition.

Ah I see the error in my ways. Thank you! And your assumption was right I did not wipe after the flash the last time so that would explain why it was working just fine then. Wish your mom a happy mothers day.
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