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Old 05-10-2012, 02:48 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 1.13652.1 ICS!!! | 4.0.3 | Updated *5/9/12*

Originally Posted by DreadfullyDespized View Post
I haven't tried out the 05/09/2012 version. Though. I noted that the Sprint Protable wifi hotspot doesn't seem to allow me to connect from my other android device since going from 2.3.x to 4.0.3.. Anyone else having this issue? It keeps displaying "Obtaining IP address..." then after a few minutes of doing that it displays "Avoided poor internet connection"... Yet my phone has 1Mbps down and 430Kbps up in my current location.
The Sprint hotspot is not the hacked version....use wifi tether instead.

Originally Posted by xeagle24 View Post
Does any one have issues with the 3d camera? I've no 3d, and the camera icon does not work .

Sent from my PG86100 using PPCGeeks
maybe a bad flash? I can confirm the camera icon works & 3d pix do too.

Originally Posted by robysch22 View Post
Do I need 2 install any firmware be4 flushing OMJ's EVO 3D 4.0.3 v3.1 ?
I would recommend being on the latest GB firmware (2.17)

Originally Posted by b4u2 View Post
Can you say SNAPPY! Wow this is fast. Did this ROM also come with new radios? I hate Sprint but ever since I installed this ROM I have gone from dial up to actual 3G speeds I can live with. Fluke? IDK but I like it. I also noticed I did not have to reinstall any apps after I flashed. I haven't flashed in a while so not sure if this is normal or not. Didi have a few app updates to install after ROM loaded but that was all.

I don't use the Sprint portable wifi hot spot so can't give input there. I use WIFI Tehther app and it works fine.

Shouldn't need to install anything before flashing this ROM.

I used the hardware 3D camera button on the side of phone and 3D camera came right up.
This ROM is based on the leaked EVO V 3D for Virgin mobile, there was firmware included, but many people that flashed it are having lots of issues, and they are trying their like hell to revert. The ROM works great on 2.17 firmware, but once we get the Sprint 3D firmware, I'm sure it will be better.

Originally Posted by jae.farah View Post
Hi. I'm Currently Running omj v2.5. Can I Just Flash This Over It and Keep all My Data Or Should I Do a Fresh Flash With Wipe Data ??.
I would suggest a fresh flash, wipe everything. v2.5 was based on 2.08, so it's 2 OS versions ago.....also, update your firmware to 2.17:
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