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Old 05-07-2012, 08:00 PM
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Re: annoying backup assistant

Originally Posted by Sarge, USMC View Post
How do I turn this thing off? It's got all my contacts listed twice, and I don't need it. All contact info comes from Google contacts.

Is there a way?
I had a similar issue and went in to my verizon account and made a change to "hopefully" stop it.
I followed this path on the site: Top of page, My verizon > Change features > scroll down to cloud storage for media(backup plus) and un check,(remove) then scroll down to cloud storage(backup plus) and un check.(remove) Then follow the "next" buttons until you get to submit. After submitting I got a text saying it had been removed.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Should mention that if your using verizon's sync service for email then don't do this. It will wipe your accounts and you'd need to reset them. I use gmail to collect all my email accts. so I'm not involved with Verizon syncing at all. This is working for me.

Last edited by cbreze; 05-08-2012 at 12:09 PM.
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