Originally Posted by janusman
I was using the same phone with same SD card and still have the data image too - this was few months ago with FRX7.1 came out..
Was loving it until I bought the SGSII. Now that I gave it to my bro - am back to my good old TP2. Only diff now is - it has been security unlocked and has GSM radio (using tmo)..
I just replaced the files in SD card - deleted the data img - rebooted - it took a couple of tries and its working now.. Oh - I deleted the force_cdma = 1 from the startup..
am getting only Edge from tmo in this phone.. and it has frozen a couple of times now when i opened market.. Have to fool around a bit I guess..
Have you updated the build at all? There's probably been some changes since you last updated.
Plus, there's GBX which is working pretty well. It works with the newest kernels as well, I hear 3.2/3.3 are working quite well