Originally Posted by ACoolGuy
Have you tried Ziggy's 2.17 Kernel? I have just flashed it to test since I have been having bootloops/RR with Anthrax kernel. From others experience with it, it is reporting to be more stable with slightly less performance than Anthrax with better battery life. Its hard to find but I have a copy. Ill give it a good testrun for a few days and see just how stable it really is. It has adjustable OC and UV, but the voltage tables are not standard as this kernel allows voltage change per CPU. I dont think Ziggy is officially supporting it as there is no changelog or information. Seems to have been built for Virus over at infectedrom.com for Eternity rom line.
nope, haven't tried ziggys...I'm satisfied w/ Freezas but definitely let us know what you think after a few days.