Originally Posted by arrrghhh
Is it only when calling? Can you preview ringtones? Have you ever had sound with OMGB?
The CSV's are baked into this ROM, so there's no need to have them on your SD card - but I do believe the SD card CSV's will override the ones in the ROM in case you want to override them...
Yes.. I don't hear anyone when I'm calling. I can preview ringtones, I hear alarms... I don't call too often so I didn't notice this problem earlier. I remember that I had sound in caling in OMGB (long time ago).
I tried with uploading my audioparas to /system/etc/ but it didn't help.
Is there any way to check if my earspeaker is kaput?
Attaching logs while making a call.
EDIT: I have sound if I change to loudspeaker in call ..