Originally Posted by wizardknight
Just a random observation. I found it nice that my custom boot graphics I whipped up in the WM kitchens were not touched by loading this. Though I will probably have to change the one that says windroid now.
I love using this one as my inital boot screen
There is actually 2 boot screens you can customize. Well not you exactly but in general i mean. We can have a splash on LK. Meaning as soon as the phone boots you can have something ont he screen. Reason i dont have it is because the output of the blue screen is valuable for now.
Second splash is the one android loads before boot animation. Thats the one you see now. Sure not everyone loves my fiery android, but i left it there to remind everyone we are burning this bitch in and no piggy backing of haret. lol.. You can roll your own boot.img with whatever graphic you want. Just research online on how to do it. Problem will be the same as the other cooks have is when i make a change, they have to recreate their boot img. So you will always be playing the catch up game. Is fine once things are more stable .. just keep in mind where this bad boy came from

.. fyi its my bday today and im already drunk .. woohoo..
arrrggg many thanks for answering all the questions. You sir are truly a multitasker.