Originally Posted by chong67
Sero P + data for phone like the TP2, the last of it. That is $40
Sero P + 4g is $50. I just hope that there is no more added extra charge for 4G LTE. Is 4g going away?
How did 4G LTE come so quick to Verizon? I remember my colleague did speedtest on his phone and it was like 20 mb/s down!
I might not get this phone until it is rooted. I hope within 1 month.
When i was on tp2 I was on sero 500 for $30.
And its not so much that 4g is going away its that Sprint WiMAX (current 4g) is transitioning to LTE. So it will be sprints new 4g?
As far as root goes... That's a toss up. I mean look at hboot 1.5
They only just figured out how to downgrade it for revolutionary root.
And it requires you to soft brick like twice... It's getting risky...
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