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Old 04-04-2012, 08:36 PM
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Re: WM 6.1 and 6.5 Roms released! all requested booloader versions up!

So, I downloaded Tinkerbell's custom ROM for the xv6700 and it worked. Simple to use, I just plugged in my phone and clicked install. The only thing is the battery sucks juice, so I want an OS that is both user friendly and battery friendly. Also, I need to be able to run QNC on PagePlus and tether my phone to a Macbook, probably surfing the internet on Opera mini browser for laptop. Also, want to be able to get everything else that was disabled by Verizon and would love to be able to get call waiting while I'm using the data connect (QNC). I am not sure, but I don't think a call will get through to me while I'm using the cellular line to access dial-up speed-QNC data. (I also remember) - XV6700 wouldn't accept calls while on wifi, but I think that was fixed in one of the custom ROMs (maybe Helmi's). Anyways, I have Tinkerbell's ROM, one of the only ones still available and it seems to be the best. But I don't want the pink keyboard and still need to know what is the best ROM (available?) for feature rich, yet battery conscious use?
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