Originally Posted by boneskid1
ok i checked and all of the files Showing up or not are mp3 format according to windows but each album has songs that are a different bit rate. one album is 160kbps the other might be 128kbps a few of the songs by themselves were even 360 kbps so im wondering if the stock player has a limit or its just being dumb
Well start small. Take 5 files, all different bit rates. See if they all show up/play. If so, add perhaps several folders deep if you had that before. If it still works, perhaps the sheer number overwhelmed the mediascanner, and either it needs to be run manually, or needs to be given more time to run...?
Not sure, but why not just use something other than the stock player? There's _a ton_ of options out there, some of which you can probably just point to a folder on your card and have it build its own database.