Originally Posted by thecensor
I don't know what you mean by .27 these are the latest:
htc-msm-linux-20120227_213021-package.tar.bz2 is the latest .27 kernel. This will produce
no audio in FRX. It appears
htc-msm-linux-20111017_080427-package.tar.bz2 is the next latest .27.. which IIRC you said you're on.
So keep goin back.
htc-msm-linux-20111001_013904-package.tar.bz2. Or
htc-msm-linux-20110930_173827-package.tar.bz2. I'm sorry that page is so confusing. GlemSom's was much, much better.... but it's been down for quite a while now, not sure if it's ever coming back. Rule of thumb for .27 kernels on that site - they don't have a kernel version, lol. I know, I know... that sucks. C'est la vie.