How does MMS work after switching the SIM card and carrier?
How does MMS work after switching the SIM card and carrier?
I have a Touch Pro 2 from Verizon Wireless and took it with me on a recent overseas trip. After a SIM card from a local carrier was inserted, voice, data and SMS started to work fine, but MMS didn't. I got the message that I had an incoming MMS, but there was no way that I could download it. I contacted the customer service with the local carrier and was told that they have the standard (OMA)-type MMS service, so if my TP2 can't handle their MMS service, then my phone must have been specially set up for Verizon Wireless.
Does anyone know if Verizon Wireless uses non-standard, proprietary MMS service? If so, is there any way to change the configuration of my TP2 so that it can transmit OMA-type MMS with another carrier?