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Old 02-24-2012, 12:19 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)

Originally Posted by muziling View Post
Finally, easy to prevent erase or overwrite protected partition

int flash_erase(struct ptentry *ptn)
    unsigned block = ptn->start;
    unsigned count = ptn->length;

    if (ptn->perm == PERM_NON_WRITEABLE) {
        dprintf(INFO, "%s partition is protected, can't be erased.\n", ptn->name);
        return -1;

    while(count-- > 0) {
        if(flash_erase_block(flash_cmdlist, flash_ptrlist, block * 64)) {
            dprintf(INFO, "cannot erase @ %d (bad block?)\n", block);
    return 0;

int flash_write(struct ptentry *ptn, unsigned extra_per_page, const void *data,
        unsigned bytes)
    unsigned page = ptn->start * 64;
    unsigned lastpage = (ptn->start + ptn->length) * 64;
    unsigned *spare = (unsigned*) flash_spare;
    const unsigned char *image = data;
    unsigned wsize = flash_pagesize + extra_per_page;
    unsigned n;
    int r;

    if (ptn->type == TYPE_MODEM_PARTITION)
        dprintf(CRITICAL, "flash_write_image: model partition not supported\n");
        return -1;

    if (ptn->perm == PERM_NON_WRITEABLE) {
        dprintf(INFO, "%s partition is protected, can't be overwrited.\n", ptn->name);
        return -1;
Tested pass:
No, bad method. We arent supposed to keep those partitions. So what i might end up doing is reading, and removing them from the ptable. flash_erase is actually stock code from google/ca since it's not meant to check permissions. But really dood, you are wasting my time with this because you decided to wipe your own nand ? come on man stop spamming my thread.
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