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Old 02-23-2012, 03:09 AM
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Re: Android on i760.

You might have better luck discussing this over at SmartphoneForums i760 Forums, the users there with this phone seem to be a lot more lively and active: Samsung SCH-i760

However if you're feeling risky you could ANDRomnia: home - ANDROMNiA Wiki, it shows support for the i780 which is I'd believe the closest model number/relation to the i760 so it might work but also be a bit wonky.

I used to love and adore this phone and used it for as long as possible before feeling a need to upgrade due it just being too old and ringtime pickup problems of it waiting 3 to 5 rings on the callers end to pickup and ring for me, so I had to give it up, hard reset after hard reset and it always did that even after adjusting the tower search time in the master code part of the phone.
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