Originally Posted by [ACL]
Partial Update (2-21-2012)
This recovery also includes a piece of code that will help me identify some of the sub variants. So if you have a tellus or one of the rhod100's who has the broken keyboard, you need to do the following
adb shell
#cat /sys/class/htc_hw/cid
Note the output above is from the test rhod300 i have. You should have a different value. Goal here is for the rhod500 tellus users to see what their CID is and if its not the default verizon, then use a diff keyboard. Same logic applies to rhod100 folk
Hi ACL, my Rhod100 giving me this value: HTC__032 (two underscores).
I'm not sure, but guy from previous post is from NL and KB layout rhod100_nl exists. If his variant HTC__E11 is for NL country, let setup rhod100_nl for this variant, I think. Jelmer, correct?
For my variant HTC__032 let setup rhod100_uk (if we can say, that HTC__032 is for Czech market, I don't know, but rhod100_cz doesn't exist
One note - my keyboard is working correct now, with rhod100_uk layout.