Re: Riptide9's Glass Icons Exstentions
Haven't done these in a while, found I was missing some for new apps so decided to upload 32 new icons plus some requests. Enjoy.
Icons: SafeWallet, PPCG, eBay, Iris, RidgidLevel, GolfFrontierGPS, ElecontWeather, WiFiFileExplorerPro, TankHero, FedEx, HeyTell, BEweather&Widgets, EnjoySudoku, Evernote, FontInstaller, Gurk, GooglePlus, MapQuest, PaperCamera, AndroIrc, DabbleHD, ConvertPad, GetJar, EncyclopediaBrittanica, Shazam, OfficeSuitePro, SiriusXM, SpiderSolitaire, WinnieThePoohPB, Draw(er)Pro, Vlingo, Yelp
Note to Mods: Move this thread to Android Theme section for more exposure please!
I'm a flashing junkie. (the first step is admitting you have a problem)