Originally Posted by lutzik
You see if i hadn't told you to read up u wouldn't even find it.. and now you like the rest of us. I personally think that in order to ask u should at least read first and last 5-10 pages of the thread if u r really using the product. I was not trying to be rude. Just because people like to ask before they read that why the thread is so long in the first place, and then they complain come on the thread is too long, u can't expect me to read it all.. Well not all but at least some. If it's the latest release and it's been a couple of days already, just do urself a favor and read last 5 pages. U will save us and urself the time and space. I will not write again about it the thread is too long as it is...
P.S. and why should i have remember what post had the answer for ur question, u said it urself the thread is too long, so u can search for it just like anyone else can. Hope I was not rude, rather informative.
Well to address your questions, and then I hope we can let this die like the dead horse it is.
A) I do read the last few pages of the thread obviously I did not see the post on it not working right.
B) I do use the seach function, but until he said AUTOINSTALL (for a workaround), I was looking for Autoexec which was only leading me to the same places. Oh, and until I noticed a post about wildcarding short searches UC is not a good search term.
C) If you can remember that there WAS a post, then you can say "About X pages page, X posts back" or even like the other did, give a DIFFERENT keyword to use that might be unique to that post so we can search.
I am neither a noob, nor do I not use the search. I rarely ask a question before I have searched it before, and I like to keep my average above 95% at being able to search and find things for myself.