Originally Posted by mbellot
Yup. Was just starting up Navigation, which has been flawless since detule's updated lib and the injector.
Wrong thread, we should take this to the xtra thread, but looking at your crash it looks to me like it's unrelated to the xtra injections. In particular
[ 1461.100311] [RPC] CALL on ept d4a65aa0 to 3000005b:00000000 @ 0:00000001 (56 bytes) (xid 114 proc c) <----- "End session" (perhaps your screen turned off, or for whatever reason navigation send the gps_stop signal)
[ 1461.404846] [RPC] CALL on ept d4a65aa0 to 3000005b:00000000 @ 0:00000001 (152 bytes) (xid 115 proc b) <----- "gps_get_position" after ending the navigation session, we are sending a get_position request.
This sequence seems incorrect and something that should be fixable.