Originally Posted by biggoldbear
Very newb question, just got my TP2 yesterday and installed FRX07.1 so far so good. Now how do I install the Flash11, Puffin, etc.?
Do I download these to the SD card, then open while running android?
Thanks to some advice from the board, I figured out how to try and install Flash 11 and Puffin. I tried to do these both at the same time. When neither of them seemed to be working, I uninstalled both of them, then reinstalled Flash first , then Puffin. I still get the "Sorry! The application Puffin (process.com.cloudmosa.puffin) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."
Also I'm not sure if Flash is working properly, how do you start this/know it is working, I can find it under applications, but in trying whatismyflash.com using Opera mobile or Dolphin HD detects no flash.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure there are instructions in some FAQ or thread that I'm missing, though I have tried to look.