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Old 02-08-2012, 04:38 PM
Aerostar's Avatar
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*


I just gotta say that this is one of the best multipurposed, de-bloated ROM's I've ever used and I absolutely love it.
I rooted with revolutionary on h-boot 1.4 so I'm S-off and glad to not have to put up with all that HTC H-boot 1.5 unlock bull-hockey. (Un-root to take the update and re-root? Schmeesh!)

I'm currently running your v2.4 ROM with the RC Mix Kernel V11. They seem to play together very well and the RC Mix kernel allows SetCPU to OC stably up to 1.72. It gives pretty good numbers on CF Bench (Linpak and Quadrant don't necessarily show as high but I trust CF Bench)

SO- the big question- I've seen that there is an OTA update. Are you going to build a ROM or tweak the 2.3.4 to add the new radio and 2.17.651.5 update? It would be uber-cool and I cannot wait. I've seen some of the other ROM's with 2.17.651.5 but I don't want them. I want yours. Why don't you ad RC Mix's kernel in while you're at it? Then we don't have to flash separately. This is you mission, should you choose to accept it, Although, if you or any of your OMJ operatives be captured or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of you actions.
I understand if it's too much, I realize you have a job too and don't just sit around waiting to do forum participant request fulfillments.
Thanks again- optimistically waiting,
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