Originally Posted by Tinkerbell
Hey @eric12341! Thank you for the information! I am going to check into that!! I was thinking that when Tmobile throttled users back, they would be on the equivalent of CDMA's 1x. If the reduction in speed is 3G, then I am all for it! We don't have 4G where I live anyway!!
Tinkerbell yea the rep told me that the speed reduction on the 10Gb plan is 3G don't know for sure as I haven't started that plan yet because my new sim has not arrived yet. Right now I'm on a prepay 5GB plan and I'm currently throttled because my sister keeps tethering her iPod. The throttled speeds I get are faster than what I got with EvDO on sprint (example of that in my SIG). I see pretty much anywhere from 154kbps to 320kbps on EDGE (2G). 2G is the speed reduction on the 2 and 5GB plans.