Re: Kitchen released
Damn I think my NV is messed up, it was working before I bricked it and I copy the VS750_COM3.nvs from the Windows 7 pc to my XP pc and LGNPST Handset area shows up all blank for Mobile ESN/MEID Phone # (MDN) Digital MIN Analog MIN
I think my Reachout Wireless minutes should've refilled by now... Still get a error on *228 says Operation Failed.
Is there anyway I can manually put all this from the info behind the battery.
Got it to allow the phone to be on and now it tries to prorgam but still fails. Can Backup.omf help any or would LGMobile Uppdate Tool restore everything if I did a update with it?
Scratch all that fixed it now.
Last edited by n1nj4Lo; 02-01-2012 at 04:03 AM.