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Old 01-30-2012, 08:36 PM
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#1 troll!
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fixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on repfixxxer2012 is halfway to VIP status based on rep
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Well to be fair riley, sprints service did suck for a long while. It seems a tad better but IMO verizon is about 5x faster and more reliable. Its just my opinion of course.

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