Originally Posted by milda25
OK, thanks I'm only confused that the same settings with same SW and approximately same usage has so different results of battery life. I though, that in my phone (or in my hand) is some bad. Thats all
You're forgetting the biggest factors.
Let's say your battery is old, ancient, and abused. Perhaps his is relatively new, and well taken care of?
Then, lets set that all aside and say you both had IDENTICAL batteries that were brand new. If I put one phone in an area with poor service, and one phone in an area with great service - which battery do you think will last longer?
So battery life comparisons are pretty useless, I'm afraid. There's just too many factors involved to really judge what is going wrong - you just have to use common sense on your end, and do your best to triage the rest. Put the phone in airplane mode, disable data, etc if you're in a bad service area. Replace the battery if it's old. Etc...