Originally Posted by Tinkerbell
Wow!! These look amazing Inando84!! Congratulations!!
Thanks Tink!! It's great to know I can always count on you to share your opinions!!
Originally Posted by rrjskj
@ rydah805 Ok with that said even I took offense to that if u came here lookin for a fight don't cause it not like lnando said anything wrong just pointed out a fact he made em and gave credit where credit was due by the way @ aedon that did kinda seem like u was out looking for some type of credit and like u said u might have worded it wrong i dont know i aint out to attack anyone but it sorta seemed that way .. with that said i'm out peace ..
Thanks man!! I knew I couldn't of been the only one to read it that way!!
Originally Posted by rydah805
Personally, I know that Aedon worked his ass off editing the xml for days, first with my theme. Not that your theme wouldn't be the same without his help or anything, but in no way did he come off as a credit whore. Come on!! :thumbdown:
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
And personally, I have the right to feel the way I do too!! I gave credit where it was due!! And anyway, I made a shit ton of edits to his xml same as he did to yours and yours to duce's..So how exactly does it become aedon's xml then?
Did you not read his posts here..at first read they def came off as if he wants credit for it!! But after hearing from him, that's not the case as it was a big misunderstanding. I didn't say anything to start a fight..aedon and I are good pals! And I'm sure as hell not knocking him..It's just that I was offended and felt the need to say something about it..simple as that! I got my point out, as did he, so there should be no need to derail this thread any longer over this nonsense! :thumbdown: