On my Nook Color with CM7.1, I used Clockwork Mod to clear my battery history after doing a full charge. I haven't perceived any improvement in battery life, but I sort of understand the idea. Is there a built-in means for recalibrating the battery with XDAndroid? Do you think it would even help?
On another note, I had a bit of difficulty creating a WiFi hotspot. It worked for a few days, then stopped working. Nothing I tried helped. Not resets on my TP2 or Nook Color, threats, or expletives). On my Nook Color, I deleted AndroidAP, rescanned, and tried again. No joy. Finally, on my TP2 under Configure Wi-Fi hotspot, I checked 'Show password' and saved. That should not have done a darn thing -- I just did it to convince myself I had input the correct password. Anyway, it worked. Makes no sense, but I mentioned this to someone on another forum who also couldn't get WiFi hotspot to work, and suddenly it started working for him, too.
Sorry, that was at least a week ago, so I have no logs that might explain it. If I can recreate this, I'll post my logs but for now, it's working fine.