? about setting up software for development
Hey guys, I hope someone can answer this. I don't have enough posts to start a thread on xda.
I'm trying to get my computer set up to start building apps.
I've downloaded and installed java.
I've downloaded and installed Eclipse.
I also downloaded android-sdk_r16-windows and installer_r16-windows (i wasn't sure if I needed them both or not).
Now, I unzip the sdk to c:\android-sdk-windows. I then go to Eclipse to "Install New Software" Type in the address "http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse" in order to download Android DDMS and Android Dev. tools. I hit next and get the error "Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Android Development Tools 16.0.1.v201112150204-238534 "
I'm on a toshiba laptop with windows 7, 2.5ghz proc with 4 gb ram, 64 bit (so you know)
Any ideas? Thanks in advance for all the help.