Originally Posted by [ACL]
Ok dood, i need you to adb into your phone. You need to get into the shell and type the following
cat /sys/class/htc_hw/machine_hwinfo
Then type dmesg and look atht the dump on the screen. The last 5 lines will have something like this.
Will do tonight when I'm at home and report back.
Here's my last 5 lines, let me know if there is anything else you need.
<6>[ 2454.928192] Hardware Board ID is 4
<6>[ 2454.928253] SKUID PCBA PN is 0 1 f1
<6>[ 2454.928283] SKUID SKU Num is 1
<6>[ 2454.928314] SKUID PCB ID is 4
<6>[ 2454.928344] SKUID RF SKU ID is <6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>ff<6>1<6>0<6>0<6>3<6>2<6>0<6>0<6>d4<6>0<6>0<6>0<6>2<6>