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Old 01-27-2012, 12:28 AM
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Re: my first review: comparison of the platforms...well sorta!

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
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The charge had alot of issues and slow development.
The development is slow but what issues does it have? so far its been ok to me...then again I dont use it as much as I use my Epic..the lack of KB makes me lack any attachment to the phone :/..otherwise it seems to work ok with the Humble rom.

I got the dinc2 because at the time my 4g was sketchy where i live. Now that i have the tbolt again my 4g seems great even in my home. As i said i like to test out different phones. Its sorta a hobby of mine.
Test out different phones?!??! have you no shame..what does this look like a cellphone forum? lol jk..

ok off to see the video...
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