Originally Posted by jotarou1
Like arrrghhh said, I just started up Wifi tethering and the Touchpad found the network. Put in a password and I was good to go. I was never able to tether WinMo TP2 and WebOS Touchpad. And I think I was able to get WinMo TP2 and Android Touchpad, but it wasn't reliable for me (actually wifi in general wasn't reliable for me in Android Touchpad).
Also when I turned off wifi tethering, the icon for it wouldn't go away. It stayed like that for awhile. I went to sleep about an hour later and I think the phone rebooted during the night because the next afternoon my uptime was only 12 hrs. So I think it took about 3 hours before it rebooted automatically after turning off wifi tethering.
Perhaps you missed it, but you can't disable wifi tethering. It will lock the phone up hard, forcing you to reboot it.
Originally Posted by jotarou1
Take your time ACL. It is us who should be thanking you!!! You're breathing new life into my phone for sure, I could never get Android working via SD card and your current version is so much nicer than any WinMo version I had before.
I couldn't just let this slide by, SD card installs are like 1,000,000x easier than this. Granted, I prefer NAND... it's just a heckuva lot easier to get running on the SD. Never heard anyone say they never could get it setup. I also don't remember you asking for help

Oh well, enjoy.