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Old 01-19-2012, 02:37 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
3) When you notice loss of sound, put the phone near your ear and see if you hear buzzing. I noticed when i was testing that if i lost all sound, the speaker would buzz. Also, if you ADB shell into the phone when this happens and do a logcat i would see some errors which might be helpful.
Sorry, missed this one. Meant to respond .

Every single time I've lost audio it has been in this condition. Buzzing speaker - like it was turned all the way up, but no input going thru it.

Here's some really good HaRET logs on the bug.

The reason I say really good is he said he made a call, was fine. About an hour or so later, made another - no audio. I can see that in his logcat, so perhaps this will capture the failure somewhere inbetween?

Always see this:
01-17 21:13:07.740 W/AudioTrack( 1298): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x46dd50 user=000012c0, server=00000000
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