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Old 01-15-2012, 01:21 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)

Originally Posted by argenisaz View Post
Hi folks,

My panel has become unresponsive at times, it doesn't register any touch. It's not permanent. I've rebooted, recalibrated the screen and the condition persists.

I'm attaching logs. I have a RHOD500 running 12/21 without acoustics patch. Waiting eagerly for the next release!

Thanks in advance for your help.
You have some interesting issues. Well i notice that your device is having a touch time sleeping on the last few lines but then it gets cut off. Now, when it becomes unresponsive, is it a complete lock? where you have to physically reset the device? If so, then there was a kernel panic. A panic will lock up the phone and force you to reset. However, the next step is crucial. When the phone comes back up from the reset, you have to "adb shell" into your phone. then type the following.

cat /proc/last_kmsg > /sdcard/panic.txt

This will create a panic.txt on your sdcard which you can upload to us here. Panics are usually a result of either SMD bugs or possibly something new.

Also there is a CDMA error on the logs.

"01-14 08:35:34.360 E/CDMA ( 221): Wrong network. Can not return a string." I dont think ive ever seen that. Maybe muzling has seen it since he has explored a lot of other cdma issue. Either way that will require some research.
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