Originally Posted by lnando84
Gotta love them technicians lol.. how on earth they're deemed "tech's" when they don't know shit is beyond me!! To say if it were android it wouldn't be a problem is a cop-out!! I now have an android but that's only because microsoft killed off windows mobile support(newer devices)!! I used to get a kick out of shutting those so called tech's/experts up..you can run android on the tp2, sure its off the sd card but it works!! The hd2, which had better specs, can run 5 different OS's (WM, wp7, android, Ubuntu, and MeeGo) and runs full versions of each flawlessly!! I'm sure if the tp2 had the same specs it'd be able to do it all too. I use to ask them to name another OS that can do that and then would sit back and chuckle at them when they couldn't!! Anyway..I thought they should (if the device boots up) be able to plug it, and the new phone, into this device they have at the stores to transfer contacts
+1 for my mobiler..if there's anything that'll work, that'll be it. Hope it works for ya!!
HAHAHAH brings back memories of my hair-pulling days with both assurion and sprint . i didnt seem to have a problem with sprint because i had the assurion , it was assurion who pissed me off . i ended up taking the bottom of the replacement phone and swapped it with the "old" phone in order to get a working phone xP .
But in the OP's situation , the Techs at sprint CAN do that , they CHOOSE not to . they want you to buy a new phone duhhh thats a no brainer . my buddy works for verizon and the managers tell him not to do any "favors" because they want people to buy new phones . its all a money scam .
Originally Posted by locobear
Thanks for the info on My Mobiler, I will check it out. Too bad the Sprint "technicians" don't have access to a program like My Mobiler. Must be too complicated for them.
Just for general reasons I thought that I would mention that I spent an hour and a half on a phone today with Sprint. They did not want to send me another replacement TP2 until the original faulty TP2 was mailed back to them. I was not happy. I was transferred 4 times during the call. I was on hold for more than an hour of the hour and a half long phone call. In conclusion, they are sending me yet another phone by mail.
I asked Sprint if I could go to the Sprint store located near me tomorrow morning and get a phone but they said "we can't do that". Sprint has a new policy not to provide customers a temporary replacement phone. Nor will they provide the permanent replacement phone at a store.
So last week I had to go to WalMart and buy an AT&T GoPhone when the original TP2 failed to operate. I needed a phone while I waited for the replacement to arrive. Then the replacement TP2 arrives faulty. Back to using my AT&T phone to call Sprint and wait on hold for more than an hour in order to get a phone sent to me by mail.
I am running out of minutes on my GoPhone. I might as well keep my AT&T account going at this point. Of course it will cost me hundreds of dollars to get a decent new phone at AT&T. They got me by the short hairs I guess.
The sad part is that most all of the giant phone companies seem to be equally inept. This stuff happens all day long everyday. A phone that is supposed to be convenient can turn into a real inconvenience very quickly.
you should ask for an arrive . there are countless threads where people had problems with replacement TP2's not working and sprint gave them an arrive . that is if you want WP7 i personally like it . but im a geek so i need to be able to hack it and eff with it till my hearts content , wp7 is just perfect . lol . i would try that route , if all else fails i would just replace the top (screen) portion with the replacements bottom making the sent phone haveing a bad screen and a bad slider mechanism . if you take that route send me a PM i can easily help you with swapping them . ive done so much surgery to my phone im surprised its not Frankenstein xP