Originally Posted by lutzik
dude, do some reading before asking, it's all over the thread.. the uc option doesn't work in this build... u can use other options simular to uc... read few pages back.
Originally Posted by ecker
there is like 10000000 replies... give him a break
I am really glad that you have tons of time to read 150+ posts a day in this thread. I don't, as it was I was happy to see 5054, I noticed it said UC compatible, did some research to find out WHAT that even was, played around with making my sdconfig and cabs right, then right before bed flashed and noticed it wasnt working. So I posted the question. How hard would it have been to just go "Its not working right yet. If you look on page # there is a workaround" rather than being semi-rude about it.
In fact, typing that would have taken LESS time than it took you to be rude.
and I still dont have the time to go back fishing through hundreds of posts to find the ONE post that ddresses it. So if you would be so kind as to at least give the page number, it would be much more useful.
Just a thought, have a great day. -- Thanks for the back up ecker.