Re: Dealing with an unresponsive touch screen
Gotta love them technicians lol.. how on earth they're deemed "tech's" when they don't know shit is beyond me!! To say if it were android it wouldn't be a problem is a cop-out!! I now have an android but that's only because microsoft killed off windows mobile support(newer devices)!! I used to get a kick out of shutting those so called tech's/experts can run android on the tp2, sure its off the sd card but it works!! The hd2, which had better specs, can run 5 different OS's (WM, wp7, android, Ubuntu, and MeeGo) and runs full versions of each flawlessly!! I'm sure if the tp2 had the same specs it'd be able to do it all too. I use to ask them to name another OS that can do that and then would sit back and chuckle at them when they couldn't!! Anyway..I thought they should (if the device boots up) be able to plug it, and the new phone, into this device they have at the stores to transfer contacts
+1 for my mobiler..if there's anything that'll work, that'll be it. Hope it works for ya!!
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Last edited by lnando84; 01-12-2012 at 04:19 AM.