Originally Posted by mastergadgets
Thanks for the info on My Mobiler, I will check it out. Too bad the Sprint "technicians" don't have access to a program like My Mobiler. Must be too complicated for them.
Just for general reasons I thought that I would mention that I spent an hour and a half on a phone today with Sprint. They did not want to send me another replacement TP2 until the original faulty TP2 was mailed back to them. I was not happy. I was transferred 4 times during the call. I was on hold for more than an hour of the hour and a half long phone call. In conclusion, they are sending me yet another phone by mail.
I asked Sprint if I could go to the Sprint store located near me tomorrow morning and get a phone but they said "we can't do that". Sprint has a new policy not to provide customers a temporary replacement phone. Nor will they provide the permanent replacement phone at a store.
So last week I had to go to WalMart and buy an AT&T GoPhone when the original TP2 failed to operate. I needed a phone while I waited for the replacement to arrive. Then the replacement TP2 arrives faulty. Back to using my AT&T phone to call Sprint and wait on hold for more than an hour in order to get a phone sent to me by mail.
I am running out of minutes on my GoPhone. I might as well keep my AT&T account going at this point. Of course it will cost me hundreds of dollars to get a decent new phone at AT&T. They got me by the short hairs I guess.
The sad part is that most all of the giant phone companies seem to be equally inept. This stuff happens all day long everyday. A phone that is supposed to be convenient can turn into a real inconvenience very quickly.