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Old 01-05-2012, 09:52 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (1.2.3)

Originally Posted by elesbb View Post
alright i fixed it . it was because during download , the screen would automatically power off causing WiFi to shut down (despite i have it set to 'never') so i just disabled the screen toggle . ive done some googling and noticed that even on native android devices people still have a problem with the WiFi disconecting on sleep even with the proper settings . is there a way to fix this ? im gonna browse the market for a third party app to keep wifi on . btw great job guys with the NAND . just wish i could put Froyo on it instead of GB . i find GB to be too much for our 'ancient' devices xP

and sorry arghhh for not having any logs ..
GB actually runs better than FroYo IMHO.

I'm sure once NAND settles we'll be able to put all sorts of fancy builds on it...

As for wifi, it sucks. It disconnects when you tell it not to, it doesn't always reconnect correctly after disconnecting... Basically if you want to use wifi, be prepared to jump thru hoops. There's a guy on xda-devs that really wants this fixed - but if native devices have an issue, I doubt we're going to be able to (easily) resolve it.

Someone on IRC who uses their phone for SIP said csipsimple's app allowed wifi to stay always on, and it actually did keep it always on. I haven't confirmed myself, as I hate wifi and try to avoid it unless I have a big download .
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