Originally Posted by muziling
Issue 16
I notice buffer->charging_source equal 0 or 2, never 1 whether plug USB with PC or AC.
struct battery_info_reply {
u32 batt_id; /* Battery ID from ADC */
u32 batt_vol; /* Battery voltage from ADC */
u32 batt_temp; /* Battery Temperature (C)corrected value from formula and ADC */
s32 batt_current; /* Battery current from ADC */
u32 level; /* formula */
u32 charging_source; /* 0: no cable, 1:usb, 2:AC */
u32 charging_enabled; /* 0: Disable, 1: Enable */
u32 full_bat; /* Full capacity of battery (mAh) */
u32 batt_tempRAW; /* Battery Temperature (C) from formula and ADC */
Hey muz. i pushed the hack for the battery. Also other fixes that i wont release until the next full build. You can test if the above still happens if you have time.
Also i think we are missing the gpio for ac detect. Maybe why its always seeing it as usb. Not sure 100%