Originally Posted by PedroDaGr8
Whoo hoo! I finally am able to join the land of nand! Replacement TP2 after the previous one decided to perpetually flash up the Video Out screen in WM. First time I tried (before x-mas) LK kept thinking the end key was pressed. So I gave up. Tried again today from scratch, following the wiki (which by the way to which I added a comment about a minor correction); deleted EVERYTHING, made sure to erase all of the partitions multiple times, flashed recovery 4x times before rebooting. Boom. IT WORKS!
I have to say you guys are awesome. This runs lightyears more smoothly than FRX. Swype was always a bit laggy in FRX. Now it runs smooth as butter.
Now I just need to find the post where you put the calibration apk. because mine is off pretty wicked (it appears to be missing the top ~10-20 pixels and the bottom 10-20 pixels plus about 10 on the right side).
Calib is on the project page. Just go to the dl page and download it. Put it on your sdcard and enjoy.